nothing happen at all, or by having everything happen all at once."
We had such an enjoyable time at the EndoWhat event, hosted by Reply OB/GYN & Fertility. It was a reviving moment! A moment to finally get #HerYellowRibbon back up and running! And just like that... life happened!
Coming off of celebrating a successful event, my body chose to do it's own thing. 1 week after the EndoWhat event, there I was, in the doctors office, in excruciating pain! We were all unsure of what could have happened so soon. What began as a quick visit, quickly turned into an in-office procedure. But, timing couldn't have been better. I happened to come into the office on the same day that the Medical Director and the Radiologic Technologist were both available to see me.
The findings? 2 large polyps in my uterus, cysts on my ovaries and a blocked Fallopian tube - all jumping for attention at one time! (Initially, the polyps were mistaken for a large uterine fibroid based on the size and distance.)
After completing the in-office SIS (saline-infusion sonogram) it was determined that I would need surgery, very soon and after 3 years of hiding, my Endometriosis was back!